Saving Water in the Desert: Innovative Solutions for a Critical Need


Las Vegas, located in the heart of the Nevada desert, faces the challenge of conserving water in a city known for its excess. To address this issue, companies have come forward with cutting-edge technologies to help save one of our most precious resources. 

Hydro loop has developed a gray water recycling system that treats and reuses water from sources like showers, baths, and washing machines. The system starts at around $2,000 and uses six organic techniques to clean and recycle the water. The company aims for every house and building to have its own decentral water recycling system within the next decade. 

Saving Water in the Desert: Innovative Solutions for a Critical Need
Water demand could increase by 30% by 2030

Another solution is offered by a Canadian company, Otolawn, with its app-connected smart sprinkler system. The system uses weather intelligence to determine when watering is necessary, reducing water consumption in garden maintenance. The cost of one device is around $500, but multiple may be needed depending on the size of the garden. 

The UN predicts that water demand could increase by 30% by 2030, making these innovative solutions crucial for the future. 

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