Major Earthquake strikes Turkey and Syria: 300 dead, many trapped

  • Magnitude:

  • The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.9 and struck central Turkey and northwest Syria on Monday. It was felt in Cyprus and Lebanon and lasted about a minute. 
  • The U.S. Geological Survey reported the quake struck at a depth of 17.9 km and there was also a magnitude 6.7 quake reported. 


  • In Turkey, the disaster agency reported 76 people killed and 440 injured. 

  • In Syria, a health official reported over 230 people killed and 600 injured, with most casualties in the provinces of Hama, Aleppo, and Latakia. 


  • The earthquake caused widespread damage with numerous buildings collapsing across the region. 

  • The historic Gaziantep Castle was severely damaged and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in Aleppo posted photos of blocks of stone that had crashed onto its mezzanine. 

  • Many buildings in the region had already suffered damage from the civil war. 


  • President Tayyip Erdogan spoke with governors of affected provinces to gather information on the situation. 

  • President Bashar al-Assad held an emergency cabinet meeting to review the damage. 

  • Rescue teams were scrambled to the affected area and the public was urged to help take the injured to emergency rooms. 

  • The White House expressed concern and was ready to provide assistance if needed. 

Earthquake-prone region: 

  • Turkey is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world and has experienced devastating earthquakes in the past. 

  • Tremors were felt in Ankara and Cyprus and authorities reported 16 structures collapsed in Sanliurfa and 34 in Osmaniye. 

Focus on search and rescue: 

  • The focus is on search and rescue operations, with all teams on alert. 

  • People in Damascus, Beirut and Tripoli ran into the street and took to their cars as a precaution. 

Appeal for help: 

  • The chief of the Turkish Red Crescent relief agency issued an appeal for blood donations. 

  • The government and people of Pakistan expressed their condolences and sympathies. 

The government and people of Pakistan expressed their condolences and sympathies.
Condolences and Sympathies From Pakistan

The government and people of Pakistan expressed their condolences and sympathies.
Condolences and Sympathies From Pakistan

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