Researchers Discover First Known Microbes that Only Consume Viruses

Researchers Discover First Known Microbes that Only Consume Viruses

 Scientists have made a surprising discovery that certain types of bacteria, known as virovores, actively consume viruses. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America found that a particular type of bacterium, known as Halteria, which is a ciliate, appears to consume viruses. In the study, scientists collected water samples from a pond, isolated a number of microorganisms, and then introduced a large number of chloroviruses, which are native to freshwater and infect green algae. Over the course of a few days, the scientists examined population numbers of both the viruses and other bacteria to determine whether or not the latter was feeding on the former. 

The results of the study showed that in water samples in which the ciliates did not have access to any other food source, the concentration of Halteria populations increased by around 15 times in just two days, while the concentration of chlorovirus concentrations declined by a hundred times. However, in the absence of the virus, the Halteria organism did not show any signs of growth in the control samples. In further studies, the researchers found that after labeling chlorovirus DNA with a fluorescent dye, Halteria cells quickly began to glow, which made it much easier for the scientists to demonstrate that Halteria was, in fact, eating the virus. 

The discovery of virovory is an important one

The concept of "virovory" is relatively new, but it can coexist with other types of feeding such as herbivory, carnivory, and other forms of organic material consumption. Halteria has now been recognized as the first known virovore to date. It is most likely not the only virovore, and researchers are planning for further studies into Halteria.

The aim is to also investigate how it impacts more extensive systems such as the carbon cycle and food webs. The discovery of virovory is an important one, as it shows that viruses, which are often thought of as pathogens, can also play a role in the food web and ecosystem dynamics. 

It is worth noting that the study is a single study and more research is needed to understand the full extent of virovory and how it impacts the ecosystem. However, this study provides a glimpse into the complexity of the ecosystem and how organisms interact with each other in ways we never thought possible. It also opens up new areas of research that could potentially lead to a better understanding of how viruses impact the environment and how we can better manage them. 


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