Exploring the Intersection of Blockchain, Tourism and the Future of the Internet: Gate2Chain Conference Highlights

Exploring the Intersection of Blockchain, Tourism and the Future of the Internet: Gate2Chain Conference Highlights
Gate2Chain Conference Highlights

Mallorca, a popular tourist destination off the coast of Spain, is also home to Gate2Chain, a development suite that allows businesses and individuals to connect to the BSV blockchain and harness its potential.  


In December 2022, Gate2Chain organized an event in Palma, consisting of a half-day conference, a networking lunch, and a series of meetings, designed to educate the local tourism industry on how blockchain technology can improve the way they do business. Speaker Latif Ladid, President of the IPv6 Forum, described the conference as a “full house” with many experts from the government, the regulator, industry, academia, research, and the BSV and IPv6 community in attendance.  


Gate2Chain’s Co-Founder and COO, Joe Holles de Peyer, was instrumental in organizing the conference, inviting key players from the island, and serving as the conference chair. “There is a huge tourism industry based in Mallorca, but that has tentacles all over the world and they’re always in need of innovation,” Holles de Peyer said. “Tourism is an industry that works on very small margins, large, very large volume, especially on this island. There’s just so much Bitcoin can do for the industry. It’s massive.”  


The conference featured keynote speakers such as Dr. Craig Wright, who discussed where BSV blockchain technology fits into the tourism industry, specifically within Mallorca, tailoring his words for an audience that is newer to blockchain technology, providing relevant examples that were easy to relate to. He pointed out the importance of complying with European regulations for controlling personal data, and the benefits of a better recordkeeping system and automatic ticketing.  


Another stand-out speaker was Dr. Agatha Slater, Blockchain Practice Leader for Central and Eastern Europe for IBM, who talked about some use cases for web3 and blockchain, specifically for the tourism industry in Spain and where IBM fits into the picture. She discussed how blockchain technology can enable a technology stack that can open up opportunities for new use cases such as identity, tokenization, traceability, and payments, and the importance of enterprises experimenting with the space now to stay relevant. Something that made the Gate2Chain conference stand out from the rest was the focus on benefits and impact vs. the actual technology itself.  


For the audience, this approach was a great success. Ladid explained, "We tend to bury ourselves into the technology and forget what are the benefits and what is the impact. And the impact is more important to people, especially if you get, let’s say, governments and regulators and so on and so forth. They shy away from technology. So you have to show them, how it will have an impact on society and how it will have an impact on the economy and so forth. Then they become interested because they understand what’s at stake."  


When it comes to blockchain technology itself, Dr. Slater stated that it's up to the technology provider or service provider to select the right blockchain for the problems they are looking to solve. "We believe that BSV and the whole BSV ecosystem is a very good fit for enterprises. Enterprises care about scalability. They care about low transaction fees. BSV has that, so we’re actually very excited to talk to them about BSV when it comes to that," Dr. Slater confirmed.

Overall, the conference was a success in educating the local tourism industry on the potential benefits of blockchain technology and the role of BSV in the industry. 

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